Lectures and Recognitions
“The life, death and rebirth of wellness”
Design Health 2019 Congress, Alto University, Helsinki, Finland
“Enriched Environments”
European Healthcare Design Congress, London, England, June 2019
“Enriched Environments: elements of architectural space that activate optimal phycological and psychological health”
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, March 2019
“Enriched Environments”
APA – Engineered Wood annual meeting and conference, San Antonio, Texas, November 2018
“Cause Health”
HD Elevate 2018 conference, New York City, September 2018
Keynote, “Enriched Urban environments that Cause Health”
Grey to Green Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 2018
“A Design Process for Better Health Outcomes”
Health Achieves 2017 Conference, Ontario Hospital Association, Toronto, Canada, November 2017
“Living Bridges”
Healthy City Design International Congress, London, England, October 2017
“Living Bridges: Urban Infrastructure as a Multi-use Economic Asset”
World Design Summit, Montreal, Canada, October 2017
“Designing the Process to Improve Health Outcomes”
Canadian Institute Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 2016
“Thoughts on How We Can Cause Health Through Design”
Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2016
“The relationship between health and design”
Technion University’s Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning; Haifa, Israel, January 2016
Charge to the Graduating Class, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design and Graduate Programs of OISE
University of Toronto Convocation Hall, Toronto Canada, June 2016
“The Ultimate Test for Design: Does it Cause Health?”
Melbourne School of Design, Melbourne, Australia, March, 2015
“The Ultimate Test for Design: Does it Cause Health?”
AIA Australia, Brisbane and Sydney, Australia, March, 2015
“Can the Design & Architecture of Public Space Cause Health?”
Design & Health 10th World Congress, Toronto, Ontario, July 2014
“Designing for Health and the Patient Experience”,
5th annual Patient Experience: Empathy + Innovation Summit: Transforming Healthcare through Empathy and Innovation at the Cleveland Clinic Summit Cleveland, Ohio, May 2014
Keynote address, “Design Your Process to Get it Right”
C2C: Concept to Construction, Saskatchewan Association of Architects Conference and Annual General Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 2014
Keynote address, “Cause Health: The Ultimate Test for Design?”
Design and Health Summit convened by the American Institute of Architects, Washington, D.C., April 2014
“The Ultimate Test for Design: Does it Cause Health?”
Healthy Environments, Healing Space Conference, University of Virginia, March 2014
“Designed to Thrive: Creating Salutogenic Environments”
Architectural Institute of British Columbia Annual Conference, Sea Change – Architecture on the Crest, Vancouver, October 2013
Public Lecture, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, March, 2013
Public Lecture, Wellington City Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand, March, 2013
Public Lecture, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Christchurch, New Zealand, March, 2013
Public Lecture, Waiariki Institute of Technology, Rotorua, New Zealand, March, 2013
“Salutogenesis: Setting a Bigger Agenda,”
Healthcare Estates Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, October 2012
Keynote speech, AIA Architectural Exchange East, Richmond, Virginia November, 2012
“Salutogenesis: Setting a Bigger Agenda”
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Annual Conference, St. John’s, NFL, Canada, June, 2012
“Salutogenesis: Setting a Bigger Agenda”
Ontario Association of Architects Annual Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May, 2012
“Health Promoting Lifestyle Centres South Africa, Salutogenesis: Setting a Bigger Agenda”
Healthcare Design Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, January, 2012
Health International Symposium Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, October, 2011
“Building Health: Purpose and Legacy for Health Creation”
Boston, July, 2011
“The Nature of Cancer Centres: Essential Elements of Exemplary Healing Environments”
Hospital Build Middle East 2011, Dubai, UAE, June, 2011
“Hospital Design: Transformed by Purpose and Legacy”
Alberta Association of Architects, Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, April 2011
“The Nature of Hospitals: Essential Elements of Exemplary Healing Environments”
Health Conference, Helsinki, Finland, March 2011
“The Nature of Hospitals: Essential Elements of Exemplary Healing Environments”
Clalit Health Services, Rehovot, Israel, March 2011
“The Nature of Co-creation: Kaplan Medical Centre Master Plan Harzfeld Hospital”
Clalit Health Services, Rehovot, Israel, March 2011
“The Nature of Hospitals”
Health Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September, 2010
“Building Mission Vision & Values: Three Hospital Organizations Transformed by Design Thinking”
Health Canada 2010, Toronto, June 2010
“Fat Places, Fit Places – Leadership in the Campaign to End Obesity”
Texas A&M University – College of Architecture – Health Lecture Series, Texas, USA, December 2010
“Six Vital Signs – Essential Elements of Fertile Translational Research Environments”
Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute, Thunder Bay, October 2010
“Fat Places, Fit Places: Seeing the Difference,”
Mayo Clinic’s TRANSFORM 2010: Thinking Differently About Health Care, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, September 2010
“The Nature of Health”
Living Learning in Retirement – Architecture in Our Life series, Glendon College, York University, October 2010
“Building Mission Vision & Values: Three Hospital Organizations Transformed by Design Thinking”
Design & Health Canada 2010, Toronto, June 2010
“The Intangible Factor: Design Quality Standards that Inspire”
Architectural Institute of British Columbia annual conference, Vancouver, May 2010
“Healing Environment and Safety,”
Halifax 9 Pre-Conference 2: Designing with Safety in Mind, October 2009
“Quality Standards: Bringing Hospitals to Life”
Design and Health 6th World Congress, Singapore, June 2009
“Bringing Hospitals to Life: Design Quality Standards”
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) Conference, Ottawa, June 2009
“The Case for Nursing Focused Design”
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario Innovation Forum, Toronto, June 2009
“HI-FOG Fire Suppression Technology”
Ontario Association of Architects Conference, Toronto, May 2009
“Twenty Years After – Five Distinguished Graduates; Five Diverse Architectural Careers”
University of Toronto Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, October 2008
“Reimagining the Hospitals”
Honeywell Users Group for Buildings Conference, Arizona, June 2008
“Healthy Places”
Honeywell Users Group for Buildings Conference, Arizona, June 2008
“Greenbuilding North: The Nature of Hospital”
Brownfields 2008 Conference, Detroit, Michigan, May 2008
“Favourite Sacred Spaces”
Pecha Kucha Toronto, May 2008
“Re-imagining the Hospital”
Planning. Looking Forward – Future Planning and Recruiting Resources for Hospitalization in Israel Conference, Ramat Gan, Israel, January 2008
“Designing Strong Links to Nature”
International Hospital Federation, World Hospital Congress, Seoul, Korea 2007
“Designing for a Diverse Population: What Our Professions Can Learn From Each Other”
Panelist, Association of Canadian Ergonomists Conference, Toronto 2007
“Ecology-based Humanism in Environmental Design”
International Future Design Conference, Seoul, Korea, October 2006
“Innovative Integration of Healthcare Architecture and Technology”
American Institute of Architects, Academy of Architecture for Health Conference, 2006
“Humanism in the Art of Healing”
Construct Canada, Toronto, November 2005
“Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre”
Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo, Atlanta, October 2005
“New Green Field Hospitals: Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre”
World Congress on Design and Health, Frankfurt 2005
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Annual Convention
Quebec City, 2005, Edmonton, 2005
SARS Conference, Ontario Hospital Association, Innovative Design Solutions 2004; Construction Solutions, Toronto 2005
Canadian Wood Council Associations, Annual Meeting, Quebec City, 2004: Wood Fair, Vancouver, 2005; Wood Fair, Edmonton, 2004; Wood Fair, Calgary, 2004; Professors Conference, Toronto 2004
“Healing and the Delivery of Health Care Architecture”
Ontario Association of Architects, Toronto, May 2003
“Healing and the Health Care Village: Beyond the Mega-Hospital to a New Model of Health Design” (Poster Presentation)
Design and Health Conference, Montreal, June 2003
“Thunder Bay Regional Hospital: Healing and the Delivery of Health Care Architecture,” (Poster Presentation)
Design and Health Conference, Montreal, June 2003
“Healing and the Health Care Village”
Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo, Boston, September 2003
“Wood in Architecture”
Architectural Institute of British Columbia Annual General Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 2002
“Humanism in Architecture”
Hong Kong Healthcare Ministers, Hong Kong, November 2001
Lieutenant Governor’s Design Awards in Architecture
2013 Award of Merit for Colchester East Hants Health Centre, Truro, Nova Scotia
Design & Health International Academy Award 2013 Highly Commended
for Best International Health Project under 40,000 for St. John’s Rehab Hospital – the John C. and Sally Horsfall Centre for Ambulatory Care, Toronto, Ontario (in joint venture with Montgomery Sisam Architects)
Ontario Association of Architects, Architectural Excellence 2008
for Peel Regional Cancer Centre and Ambulatory Care Centre at The Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario
Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society, Award of Excellence 2008
for Norfolk General Hospital ER Redevelopment Project, Simcoe, Ontario
Healthcare Facilities Symposium, Distinction Award 2007
awarded to Tye Farrow “for leadership and vision”
International Academy of Design and Health, Architect Award 2007
awarded to Tye Farrow “for significant contribution to health and humanity through the medium of architecture and design”
Building Better Healthcare Awards, Best International Design Winner 2007
for Carlo Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre at The Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario
Mississauga Urban Design Awards, Community Scale Significance, Award of Merit 2006
for Carlo Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre at The Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario
Out of the Box Award, Architecturally Innovative Building, Building magazine 2006
for Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Thunder Bay, Ontario (Salter Farrow Pilon Architects Inc.,
of which Farrow Partners is a successor firm)
RAIC Award of Excellence for Innovation in Architecture 2005
for Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Thunder Bay, Ontario
(Salter Farrow Pilon Architects Inc., of which Farrow Partners is a successor firm)
Ontario Hospital Association, Overall Leadership Awards, Green Healthcare Award 2005
for Bluewater Health, Sarnia, Ontario (associate architects Stantec Architecture)
Ontario Association of Architects, Architectural Excellence Award 2005
for Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Thunder Bay, Ontario
(Salter Farrow Pilon Architects Inc., of which Farrow Partners is a successor firm)
Ontario Hospital Association, Healthy Hospital Innovators Award 2004
for Bluewater Health, Sarnia, Ontario (associate architects Stantec Architecture)
Ontario Association of Architects, Innovative Practice Award 2002
awarded to Salter Farrow Pilon Architects Inc., of which Farrow Partners is a successor firm
Greater Toronto Home Builders Association, Project of the Year Award 1999
for Domus Condominium, Toronto, Ontario (Burka Varacalli Architects – Farrow Partnership Design Architect)
Greater Toronto Home Builders Association, Best Architectural Design Award 1999
for Domus Condominium, Toronto, Ontario (Burka Varacalli Architects – Farrow Partnership Design Architect)
Greater Toronto Home Builders Association, Best Suite Design Award 1999
for Domus Condominium, Toronto, Ontario (Burka Varacalli Architects – Farrow Partnership Design Architect)