Oakville Hospice

Location: Oakville, ON, Canada

Category: Health

Scope: Architecture

Client: Rotary Club of Oakville

Architect: Farrow Partners

The Oakville Hospice is a project dedicated to offering the city of Oakville a comforting, accessible, supportive, and dignifying end of life care facility. These principles aim to support holistic care and foster connections with the patients, the Oakville community, patient support systems and external resources.

The hospice has been designed to offer enriching and supportive communal spaces that are connected by generous and well-supervised transitional space. Individual rooms at the facility can accommodate family members to ensure support systems remain well-connected. It is crucial that both visual and physical access to nature are maintained throughout the entirety of the hospice as connection to nature delivers a diverse and changing environment that is multi-sensory, yet calming and restorative.

The Rotary Four-Way Test is circled around the following guiding questions; is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? And will it be beneficial to all concerned? Farrow Partners has aligned its design for the Oakville Hospice with these guiding principles in order to remain steadfast with the community’s foundations. The hospice commits to upholding rigorous standards of truth by proactively addressing community needs, ensures fairness for all concerned, will create goodwill and compassion by fostering community engagement, and will be a beneficial resource to the entire community of Oakville by providing support to caregivers and healthcare professionals.