An article in the influential Israel21C on the remarkable research into the link between body, mind, perception and relaxation induced interventions, to occur at the soon to open Farrow designed Butterfly cancer centre in Jerusalem Israel.
“I’m extremely interested in the emotional and psychological dimensions of cancer, both in terms of the consequences for patients and their caregivers and in terms of enhancing the potential of therapies I have available as an oncologist,” he tells ISRAEL21c.
That’s why Corn is partnering with trailblazing neuroscientist Amir Amedi, head of the Baruch Ivcher Institute for Brain, Cognition & Technology at Reichman University, who’s lab’s new discoveries on the link between body and mind, and how that’s mapped in the brain, form the scientific basis for relaxation-inducing inventions.
Amedi, in turn, was intrigued by Corn’s research into “hope theory” — developed by University of Kansas Prof. Rick Snyder in 1989 – as a way to improve cancer patients’ recovery rates and longevity.
Hope is not the same as optimism or wishful thinking, Corn explains. Rather, it’s a perception of what is possible. “Hope is a very active concept, and nobody needs it more than the cancer patient and the people surrounding that patient,” says Corn. “We have systematically pushed the concept of hopefulness into the clinical arena,” he says.
The Shaare Zedek Cancer Center, set to open in the summer, will be the testing ground.
Farrow’s collaborators are RO Architects and Aspect Structural Engineers.