Boswell House
Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
Category: Home
Scope: Architecture
Architect: Farrow Partners
The Boswell House is set on a Toronto street consisting mostly of red brick, single-family or duplex houses with thin front yards. The house is a narrow, gazed, detached three-storey structure, layered with a screen of tightly spaces terracotta brise soleil that are vertically oriented on the sides and gently lowered towards the center. This opens views outwards while raising in profile again at the edges to create internal privacy.
Boswell House is a continuation of exploring the ability to capture changing atmospheres. But rather than using light drawers as we did with the Millbank House, Roxborough House, and V2 Laneway House, Boswell uses exterior screens that wrap portions of the building. This fluttering condition of the south façade filters the light through the glazing, creating subtle changes throughout the day as the sun moves position.