We believe there is no such thing as neutral space.
The built environment affects how we experience the world and therefore undermines or causes health.

How do buildings make us feel?

How can they make us feel better?

What if we could construct health?

Farrow Partners is a globally recognized architecture practice and a pioneer in salutogenic design – design that actively incites health.

We work at the intersection of architecture and neuroscience to create environments that cause health.

Farrow Wins Competition for Negev Health City

Farrow Partners and Rubinstein Ofer win commission for world’s largest new hospital outside the US

Helmsley Cancer Center Opens

Farrow Partners-designed SZMC Helmsley Cancer Center opens in Jerusalem.

Constructing Health Hits Amazon Bestseller List

Tye Farrow’s Constructing Health hits #1 in the Architecture category on Amazon

Opening of Lauremont Middle School

Farrow Partners-designed middle school opens at Lauremont School’s Elgin Mills Campus.